Evaporated tungsten filament: an important role in vacuum coating, with broad market prospects in the future

Evaporated tungsten filament: an important role in vacuum coating, with broad market prospects in the future

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, vacuum coating technology has become an indispensable part of modern manufacturing. As one of the key consumables for vacuum coating, evaporated tungsten filament plays an important role in improving the conductivity, high-temperature resistance, and hardness of the film layer. In recent years, with the continuous expansion of application fields, the market prospects of vacuum-coated tungsten filaments have become increasingly broad.

1. Application market: From consumer electronics to aerospace, tungsten twisted wire is everywhere

At present, vacuum coating technology has been widely used in consumer electronics, integrated circuits, optical optoelectronic components and other fields. In these fields, tungsten filament, as a key coating consumable, can significantly improve the performance and service life of the product. In addition, with the rapid development of aerospace, machinery manufacturing, medical equipment, construction and other industries, the application of tungsten filament in these fields has gradually increased.

2. Future trends: The market scale continues to expand, and technological competition will become more intense.

Market size continues to expand
With the continuous development of the manufacturing industry, especially the rise of aerospace, new energy and other industries, the application scope of vacuum coating technology will continue to expand. This will bring a huge boost to the tungsten filament market. It is predicted that by 2025, the global vacuum coating market will reach US$50 billion, of which the tungsten filament market will reach US$250 million, accounting for 0.5% of the entire market.

Technology competition will become more intense
To gain an advantage in the fierce market competition, companies need to continuously carry out technological innovation and improve product quality and performance. In the future, with the continuous emergence of new technologies, such as nano-coating, ion beam deposition, etc., technological competition among enterprises will become more intense.

3. Sustainable development: Environmental protection has become an important direction for the industry, and green tungsten filament has broad prospects.

As society’s awareness of environmental protection continues to increase, sustainable development has become an important development direction for all walks of life. In the vacuum coating industry, companies need to pay attention to the use of environmentally friendly materials and the optimization of production processes to reduce environmental pollution. As a key coating consumable, tungsten filament has received great attention for its environmental performance during production and use. The improvement of the production process and environmental performance of green tungsten filament will be an important research and development direction for enterprises in the future.

4. Conclusion: Tungsten filament has broad development prospects in the vacuum coating industry

With the widespread application of vacuum coating technology and the continuous development of the industry, the market demand for tungsten filament, as a key coating consumable, will continue to grow. In the future, companies need to increase investment in technological innovation and environmental protection to improve product quality and competitiveness and meet the requirements of sustainable development. In this process, tungsten filament, as an important component, will also exert its unique advantages in more application fields, providing a strong guarantee for the rapid development of various industries.

Post time: Sep-11-2023